Tuesday, 19 May 2009


The weather has been so miserable there has not been much to photograph lately, but, it has encouraged the hoopoes to feed near to the house as we have been inside more than usual. They have had one brood this year and are now on the second and are flying backwards and forward with food at a great rate and working so hard. A parents lot is a tough one. LOL


julie said...

how odd, I have never seen a bird like it I am the proud owner of a pair of white ducks no eggs yet but I can live in hope
love jules xx

Life Looms Large said...

Those are very cool birds! I've never heard of them, but they seem really interesting!!

Thanks for posting pics of them!


Clare said...

I've seen them very occasionally and never heard them until, I think, late last week really early. A bit like a cuckoo, but deeper?