What a lovely autumn we are having, helps make up for the wet summer! The weather is just lovely and the colours of the leaves surpass anything seen in previous years here, guess it must be all the dry weather.
Needless to say a few photos were necessary
On the weaving front things have been a bit slow. I am just warping the loom with 10/2 tencel and am going to use a 60/2 silk weft to make some upholstery fabric for a friend who is reupholstering a very old bedroom chair. It will be a while before I see if it all comes out as planned with all these 1800 ends to thread.
While taking the pics I noticed that at last my cobee has started to flower. I sowed the seeds back in the summer, hoping for lots of flowers in the autumn but, guess the weather was too bad, so now it is catching up. I just hope now it is a while before a heavy frost finishes it off too soon.